I am a taker in life, that's me.
I take from others, endlessly.
Shameful and brazen I behave
Through time and life, I take.
I take the passion, often sought.
I take the pleasures, being caught.
Take the touch given me.
Take the kisses, take the free.
I take from family and from friends.
I take beginnings and I take ends.
I need this take to survive.
I breathe this take to be alive.
I'll take your smile right to my face.
I take your words with lighted grace.
I take your glances to my heart.
I take the pain of us apart.
I'm greedy...I take what I need.
I take compassion, I take the lead.
I'll take your generosity each time.
I'll take advice like nurtured wine.
I take the sun and light and air.
I take the stones and soil here.
I take this earth that's given me
I take my opportunity.
I take the comfort, I take the ease.
I take the quiet and the peace.
I take the gifts and bobbles, cute.
I take all the trinkets and the loot.
I'll take your ear to ease my grief
I'll take your heart for my relief.
I'll take your hand to hold in mine.
I'll take your lips to my divine.
I take assumptions and license.
I take common and regrets.
I take the comforts of your home.
I take you as my own.
I take your advice, right or wrong.
I take the risk in the storm.
I take abuse, I take each strike.
I take victories, I take each fight.
I take your breath and take your thought.
I take your time, take the whole clock.
I take my chances and take some dares.
I take your graciousness and cares.
Yes I was born a taker first.
I take from all like hungry thirst.
I take from light to dark of day.
I take to often get my way.
I'll take your whispers, every word
I'll take my blessings from the Lord.
I'll take your graciousness with pride
I'll take your truths and your lies.
I take the tears, the sting
I take the fear of losing
I take criticisms face
I take the pennies for the race
I take the notion and believe
There are born two different seeds.
The takers and the givers both
I take in life, I take the most.
Sunday 2/3 Cragmoor to Freeway Run
Just so we're clear, I'm officially retired on weekends, I just work during
the week.
I have to say I committed some awesome code check-ins today (Monday,...
6 years ago
Then PLEASE TAKE my apology...I want nothing other than that from you... I think of you so very very often...like every freakin day. Take THIS please, I recently wrote a poem for you "Hearts on Trees" ...mainelybutch.blogspot.com
Comment acknowledged.
Nicely written, as always, but a little harsh and not entirely honest. I do not see you as a taker, I believe you are equally a giver with a very kind and generous heart.
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