
Monday, March 29, 2010


Her smile, simple gestures besot
Simple as a apple's red.
Temptress on ankles
beauty her lot

I lay await in bed

She comes to me
and like the rain
saturates me with lust again.



You have loved parts of me
Ones I never knew
I began to see those parts
in the same light
of which I adore you.



No one should love me
I'll venom them away
To save me from their cruelty
That eventually they lay.

Then I won't have to live
Under hurt and pain
I can try to salvage
That which keeps me sane.

Eventually they tell me
I don't need you no more.
I could never love you
I don't want a whore

They leave me tired and bloody
Fom the battle in my heart
A void the size of oceans
keeping me apart.

With no guilt ~ the bitches
go and lead their merry life
God sent me down to earth
and mocks the normal wife.



You seem disgusted to look at me
From all those year past.

Did you not learn love comes
In many packages and wraps?

Not perfect I know,
But you chose me still

I will work on it today
So that you can view me beautiful.



Sometimes I can still feel
How you once loved me
I mourn and miss it
My heart empties.

I was not to be your one.
Or theirs, or his, or hers.
Still where I turn on this plane
The hand I hold's my own.

I chose not to begin again
I know my soul's alone.



I am tortured
by mistakes and past
Always following
where I never intend to lead
I'm haunted by them.

I don't run.
I try to hide.
Shelter myself from the world.
Relive each memory
A self endowed sword.


(From back in the day)

You are irreplaceable laughter
which you bring to me
and "you" are thee
You spread yourself
over my soul
I call it joy
to know you, to be yours
To feel the warmth
of a tear
Brought to life by a spirits kiss
and not hatred or fear
never shall I find another
So with me you must stay
For God knows I cannot live
without your bliss
Not one minute
not one day

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I keep coming back for more
You intoxicate my blood
Struck by a deep and sharp
Sword, then dripping, lustfully
Filling my cup.

This unquenchable thirst
Will you feed, will you pour
Fill me sweet love
Draw me to heavens door
Where I knock and knock
With no answer but care
Not to allow a droplet
To fall from the air
I cannot waste your vialed gift
I will not share, none shall sup
From this gauntlet, this porcelain
Filled by you my precious cup
Flow and stream my hearts
Wounds leave me weak
Dizzy in rare intoxicating relief

My fall will not cease
My need will not leave
Open your faucet of passion
To me and my empty barrels
I have prepared, I need.
Resembling plucked flowers
Weeping sweet scent
This sword is pulled
Apart from my bone and my flesh
The pain is immense but worth every nerve
What I drink of your love
While I die in your curves
My head in your arms
My lips brought to the rim
Of insanity this fiery thirst
it will win.
Again I knock and wait for passage
For I no longer have
My wet and wise adage
It is all I can leave
On this empty plot
This earth will carry away
My used and void cup.


Monday, March 8, 2010


Impressionable and young
my tender girl.
So young and fragile
In this big world.
The oyster is herself
Building a string of pearls

Her joys, her pains
more than what she's felt
Rewards and peace
She has still to shell.

My protection has hidden
not fully disappated
for she has her own will
She's waited years, elated.


Saturday, March 6, 2010


Her love is the color blue
She seeps in oceans of crystal
Sapphires on the horizon
of her bleeding blue heart.
Her love is the deepest blue.

Her denim pockets hold her hands
with cold blue fingertips
that will trace the outline of my face
Her blue eyes of the sweetest sky
delving into my sad green.
Her love....true blue.

She says her love is the color blue
Sirens screaming into the darkest of nights
a navy pinstriped suit that fits her just right
in the blue lights of the corner neon
reflected in street signs.

Such a blue love ornamenting this world
a scarf of passionate love
wrapped through the galaxies
of powder blue infinite light
Her blue love is entirely right

Her love - blue bonnets
lining white fences
in town upon red white and blue flags
soaring in the wind.
She loves in shades of all blue.

She loves me with musical blues
Notes that serenade my blue heart
that love matches my blue tears
streaming love rivers down my face

Cobalt blue reflects her love
diamonds roughed like peppermints
cool ice steaming in sunlight rays
She will color me blue in this box
pretty boxes quilted never to fade away.


Thursday, March 4, 2010


I trust you'll never
turn me away
unsatisfied , empty
wandering astray

My broken heart does
not come from you.
Not your words or rejection
You are only joyful pursuit

My belief, perhaps naive
Innocent, but true
is that you love
every morsel of me
and wish to savor me too.

Here I lie open and waiting
for you.
Please don't leave me
wanting, yearning
Let chivalry be new.

You, YOU bring me peace
my soul can breathe
when I am loved by you.

So fucking pure
Do I dare return
this love you give
this sweet sincere.

Unselfish, complete
when you are in me
In my eyes, in my loins
Deep into the ghost you see.

Tenderly, savagely take me
drink in me
touch the core of my being.

I'l be yours, entirely
Suspended moments in time
No distraction from you
No distraction from me.

A complete pair, one love
Forever tied..tender strings
to touch and tie
around loves seed.



If angels could see me now
How disappointed would they be
That the roads I choose
have led me astray
but simultaneously
created me.

Cherub frowns and eternal
brilliance dimmed
by my ignorance and grim
methods of love.
